Installation view
Installation view
Words Don't When Mean, 2023, Oil, ink, and acrylic on canvas, 40"x48"
When the dust settles, 2023, Oil on canvas, 30"x35"
How things withstand my gaze, 2022, Oil and marker on canvas, 68"x100"
Sharkyia, 2023, Oil on canvas, 30"x35"
The time I still wanted it darker, 2023, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 68”x76”
Lion's tail, 2022, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 90"x76"
Embrace and suffocate, 2022, Oil on canvas, 35"x40"
So Far Suspended in Viscous Softness, 2021, Oil and acrylic on canvas 78”x82”
Looking for what is looking, 2023, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 76"x70"
Wait, don't roll away! 2024, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 40"x48"
Goodbye baby RU, 2023, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 68"x64"
The Boy Who Killed the Angel of History, 2022, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 74”x68”
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